Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment
About the Office of Equality and Diversity
The Office of Equality and Diversity was opened in April 2016, changing its name from the Gender Equality Promotion Office. Fortunately we received the strong support from the FY 2016 Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment, under the MEXT Science and Technology Human Resource Development Support Program in the same year. We are progressing with creating an environment within the university which values diversity, which respects individual differences, and in which the abilities of students and staff are developed to their full potential.
Our main activities
Raising awareness in and outside of the university
Establishing an inquiries desk for providing information on work-life balance (balancing work with raising a child or nursing), issuing newsletters, holding symposiums, lectures, and seminars, etc. and proactively working on other activities which lead to raising awareness in and outside of the university.
Facilitating an environment of work-life balance
To support the work-life balance of the faculty staff, we work on allocating research support members to those researchers facing life events such as giving birth, raising a child, nursing, etc., providing a subsidy system to those returning to research from life events, establishing temporary child care facilities for faculty staff coming to university for work such as that related to entrance examinations.
Improving research capabilities and promoting female leaderships
Improving the research capabilities of female researchers will contribute to the growth of future leaders of this university, and we therefore work to recognize excellent female researchers, provide subsidies for research funding (women's empowerment support system), and hold seminars for female researchers about writing academic papers in 365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】.
Raising the next generation
In order to further the understanding of formation of career and work-life balance, we have hosted lectures by former female students and researchers who work in companies and administrative agencies to discuss their experiences, as well as creating opportunities for female high school students to meet female faculty staff and students during open campus days to encourage them to study scientific fields at college.
Respect for Diversity (LGBTQ+)
We aim to create an inclusive educational institution that promotes mutual respect, support, and understanding among all members. We stand firmly against any form of prejudice, discrimination, or harassment, and strive to empower every individual to showcase their unique strengths and talents.
Message from the President
Ibaraki University promotes excellence through diversity.
We aim to be a university that takes full advantage of diversity, where students thrive, faculty and staff are motivated, and the greater community is vibrant. To realize this goal, the management of the university must serve not only to enhance student learning, but also to respond to society's greater understanding of diversity. Diversity has entered a new phase, with the acronym "LGBTQ" now commonplace. Universities are increasingly considering ways to support diverse students.
Diversity is a global concept that is emphasized not only in the support of students, but also in constituent attributes, faculty research and contributions to society, and working styles. Inclusivity, not exclusivity, is the essence of a university, and the diversity of the groups that gather there opens up the possibility of responding flexibly to changes in society.
We will position this diversity concept as the basis of our education, research, and efforts for community collaboration. Through the implementation and ongoing promotion of inclusionary policies and practices, we will continue to focus on achieving SDGs in the spirit of "no one left behind." We ask for the further understanding and cooperation of everyone both inside and outside the university.
Dr. Hiroyuki Ohta
President of Ibaraki University
Greetings from the Board of Directors
If you bring your eyes very close to a monochrome landscape photograph, you will be able to discern countless subtle shades of gray. In contrast to a monochrome photograph, the real world is a vibrant, dynamic landscape teeming with diverse life forms that sustain us and provide the backdrop for daily life. As use of the words "diversity and inclusion" becomes more common, people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of understanding the meaning of diversity, and of creating a society and environment where people can accept and support each other. Each day, we work towards achieving this goal through our interactions and communication with others. In the pursuit of understanding and connection, it's important to acknowledge that there are still many unknowns, and that people and situations are often more complex than simple categories of black and white can capture.
In Ibadai Vision 2030, Ibaraki University declares, "We will build a campus that is open to society and the world; and provide a place of learning where new values are created through the intersection of diverse values." We promote the creation of an environment where everyone who gathers there can learn and work with peace of mind, where knowledge and sensitivity are deepened, and where each individual way of being is respected. We will continue to devote ourselves to creating a better environment, while always listening to your opinions. We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to collaborating with you in our shared commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Ashina Kikuchi
Director for Diversity Promotion
Greetings from the Head of the Office of Equality and Diversity
The Office of Equality and Diversity has undertaken a variety of initiatives aimed at creating an environment in which diverse faculty, staff, and students can fully demonstrate their abilities and work and learn with enthusiasm and motivation. This is based on the idea that transformation occurs when individuals with diverse personalities work together, and new value is created.
Specific initiatives include the establishment of a diverse research environment, support for faculty and staff during life events, support for female researchers in improving their research capabilities, the active promotion of female faculty to senior positions, and the nurture of the next generation of female researchers. Of particular importance is a change in mindset towards ensuring diversity.
Through various activities and information dissemination, we hope to go beyond a mere focus on reaching "diversity targets," and instead spread empathy for how promoting diversity is directly linked to respecting individuals and improving the performance of the university as a research and educational institution. The cooperation of all faculty and staff is essential for the initiatives of the Office of Equality and Diversity. We look forward to your continued guidance and support.
Yukiko Sato
Office Head of the Office of Equality and Diversity